Buy Art Videos - The Ideals of Oil Paintings Gallery in Berlin

The ideals of the Alessandro Abadetto Gallery Berlin in modern and digital oil painting art sales are a real lived personality development, self-realization, personal development, resilience and consciousness development of animal and human in contemporary art. Thus, contemporary oil paintings on canvas and sculpture works with an environmental awareness in the direction of climate change with a recycling and upcycling process such as Diana Achtzigs oil paintings play a greater role for us, as Gallery Berlin. This oil painter from Berlin Biesdorf uses an already painted old painting ground as her canvas from other artists* and from the theater for her high-quality oil paintings for the living facilities of our art buyers*, according to Alessandro Abadetto Gallery.

Owner: Alessandro Abadetto 

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Video of the erotic exhibition of oil paintings on the recognized oil painter Diana Achtzig

"Kunstausstellung: "Scala naturae" Doppelausstellung Diana Achtzig - Rocco Barone - in der Galerie Bottega Barone". Diese Vernissage hat mit folgenden Inhalten zu tun: Natur, Erotik, Erotikbildern, figurative, Ölbilder, auf, Leinwand, Wandbilder, Nacktheit, Verletzlichkeit, Mensch, Tier, freie Entfaltung, Freiheit, Selbstbestimmung, Selbstverwirklichung, Resilienz, Glück, Wechselbeziehungen, Digitalisierung und Transhumanismus.

Write the painter a price quote for your murals at: [email protected]

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Buy art video - oil paintings - animal painting, dog portraits in acrylic paint 

The animal painting shows the acrylic technique to the painting "Pug with ball" by the studied contemporary painter Diana Achtzig. It is a commissioned work from a photo template to immortalize the faithful and beloved pet forever on canvas with acrylic paint. The first acrylic painting of the commissioned painting by the contemporary acrylic painter has already been successfully exhibited in 3 different prestigious art galleries. The dog portrait is now for sale. Interested parties, buyers and art collectors can buy this hand-painted picture!

Write the animal painter a price offer to your animal paintings under: [email protected]!  

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Buy Art Video - Oil Paintings - Animal Portraits + Animal Painting by Diana Achtzig in Bottega Barone Gallery 

The studied animal portrait painter Diana Achtzig presents her animal painting in the Bottega Barone gallery of the Lützowstraße 38, 10785 Berlin-Tiergarten at the gallery owner Alexandra Barone.  The art exhibition "HUMAN ANIMAL - MIRROR OF SOUL" with the animal painter Diana Achtzig will take place from 19.11.2021 to 22.01.22 in the art gallery. In the works of Diana Achtzig, animal allegories not only stand for the various character traits of humans, they are also symbolic identification figures in the personality development of humans. Thus, in the visual artist's work, harmless domestic cats can become dominant tigers or leopards, and harmless ornamental fish can become dangerous predators. 

Write the animal painter a price offer to your animal paintings under: [email protected]!  

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Video of the erotic exhibition of oil paintings on the recognized oil painter Diana Achtzig
Buy art at Bottega Barone Gallery "Woman's Art Emotion" Video from 03.10.20

The studied contemporary artist paints acrylic paintings and oil paintings with love couples for singles on canvas, these are presented in this video by the Italian gallery owner Alexandra Barone and the modern painter. The intercultural Bottega Barone Gallery presents the contemporary love couple artist Diana Achtzig to October 3, 2020 at 7 pm at Lützowstr. 38 in the district Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg in 10785 Berlin with an extensive solo exhibition of 26 paintings, 6 sculpture works and 8 lithographs.

Write the painter a price quote for your murals at: [email protected]

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Video to buy art and about the oil paintings, animal painting and prtraits after photo templates of the painter Diana Achtzig 

On 24.07.2021 was solemnly opened in the district center Biesdorf with an exhibition opening with the title: "Diana Achtzig presents animal portraits as animal allegories - an inclusive exhibition".
See here a short summary of this day as a video.

Write the animal painter a price offer to your animal paintings under: [email protected]!  

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Video to buy art for the painter Diana Achtzig and her oil paintings with animal portraits, a finissage in the gallery of the district center Berlin Biesdorf

The video shows the well-known oil painter Diana Achtzig on 05.09.2021. The TV station Alex TV had shown a production of Mittenmang. The art exhibition of the artist was presented in the gallery of the district center in Berlin Biesdorf solemnly to the finissage. Animal portraits as animal allegories as oil paintings on canvas were offered to the visitors.
See here a short summary of this day.

Write the painter a price quote for your murals at: [email protected]!

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Video of the RBB television interview with the animal portrait oil painter Diana Achtzig in the art gallery Berlin Achtzig

The art video shows on 17.04.2020 in the gallery Berlin a TV interview from the presenter Andreas Ulrich in the TV program "Zibb" of the RBB television station about the animal portrait oil painter, gallery owner and podcaster Diana Achtzig a TV report . Also in this television interview, your animal portraits, animal paintings and animal paintings and sculpture works in the Achtzig Gallery in Berlin are presented.

Write the painter a price quote for your murals at: [email protected]!

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Video: The TV station TV Berlin made a television interview with the animal portrait oil painter Diana Achtzig on the sale of her art

The video presents another TV interview with a TV report from the presenter Rick Schütze in the TV channel TV-Berlin about the Achtzig Gallery Berlin and the oil painter and sculptor Diana Achtzig. The video shows the interview from 24.04.2020 with animal portraits, animal paintings and animal paintings and sculpture works in the art gallery.

Write the painter a price quote for your murals at: [email protected]!